Friday, May 30, 2008
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
4 months

California trip
Friday, we went to Disneyland which was a blast! My mom watched Ryleigh back in Irvine. She is a life saver. The kids were great and it was nice having another family there so the adults could trade off and get some roller coaster time in. Thank goodness for fast pass. McKenna was tall enough to ride the roller coasters. She rode Space Mountain and Splash Mountain. She came off of Space Mountain saying "That was the best ride ever!" She did not like Splash Mountain as much because she got a little wet. Adrianne and I were in the front half of the log and got the wettest. It did rain while we were there, but it was a good excuse to get souvenir sweaters.
Saturday was family day for us. We went to Tracie's baby shower. She is totally cute pregnant. Dan and I were able to slip away after and see Iron Man. It was pretty good. We came back to Auntie Joanna's house to find tons of family there. It was nice to see everyone with all the cute babies. We even got to play Wii for the first time. I was all over the place in Mario Kart, but I got the hang of it towards the end.
Sunday was church and lunch at Ryan's house. Dan showed Ryan how to put blinds in his windows. Ryan knew what he was doing. He just needed a little encouragement. His house is very nice. The kids enjoyed playing with Kaitlin's toys. we then went to Ray's new house that he and Catherine just bought. It is perfect for them. Dan did a walk through and it is in good condition. The backyard is really nice. i think they will enjoy it once they move in. We went to Haakido for dinner. It is a Japanese buffet with sushi and other asian cuisine. Dave even tried sushi for the first time.
Monday was Legoland which was kinda disappointing. Let's just say it is for kids between the ages of 3-8ish. Do not bring a kid under the height of 36 inches. They cannot ride on anything even with a parent. Maybe three rides. McKenna had fun, but it is nothing like Disneyland. The "roller coasters" are so slow and the lines take forever because there is only one car for the whole roller coaster. We probably won't go there again. We did make a house out of Legos.
Tuesday we flew home. It was the only sunny day on our trip. The flight home was much smoother than the flight to California. Ryleigh did decide to poop about 10 minutes into the flight. The changing tables in the small bathrooms weren't bad. I forgot to mention that during the whole trip, Dan and Dave were replacing all of my mom's light switches and outlets so they would look new and not 30 years old. They finished the downstairs but were only able to replace her switches upstairs because they ran out of time. They did run into a couple of glitches, but everything is working now. At least we haven't received a phone call yet saying differently. It is hard to get back into our daily life, but it's back to work and real life. Bummer.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Tummy time!

She also loves sucking on her hands.

Yesterday I was actually able to accomplish quite a bit. Kenna starts Kindergarten the end of July (year round) so I checked into a daycare that could take her to and from school once a week. I returned a movie to Red Box. I vacuumed downstairs and upstairs. I cleaned McKenna's bathroom toilet and shower. I hate cleaning showers. It hurts my back and legs and I always end up getting wet. I did three loads of laundry (washed and folded). I took out Ryleigh's 3-6 months old clothes and put away the 0-3 months stuff. I disinfected some toys. I managed to feed Mckenna and myself some lunch and dinner and we even stopped off at the park for a few minutes. I have to say it was a crazy day! Sometimes working at home is more tiring than working at work.
We have been slowly planting bushes and plants in our backyard. Last week we planted two rhododendrons under my kitchen window. When they bloom I will post a picture. Dan's been getting my garden ready for planting. I started some started indoors about a month ago. We already had to plant the pumpkin outside because it was getting so huge.
Dan took me out on a date to a restaurant called the Mona Lisa. It is a fondue type restaurant. It was pretty good and romantic. We were celebrating our real first date without the girls since Ryleigh was born. We hired a babysitter and everything. The funny thing is that the next morning (because both girls were sleeping when we came home that night) I found Ryleigh had her diaper on backwards! I don't know how she managed to strap the diaper on with the straps in the back, but I had to laugh.
We are excitedly anticipating our trip to California in a couple of weeks. My mom's house should be finished so we can stay there with our friends the Meldrums. We have a trip to Disneyland and Legoland planned and Tracie's baby shower and the big baby party (as my mom calls it) on Saturday. It should be a crazy weekend, but lots of fun.