So we took a trip to the urgent care yesterday afternoon. Let me tell you the whole story. We had just returned from a friend's house and Kenna said she was thirsty. She got a plastic cup out of the cabinet and put a restaurant lid on it after filling it with water. Then she stuck a Halloween straw in it from last year I think. She drank and then gagged and spit the water out. She yells "It's stuck, it's stuck!!!" She starts gagging and spitting up spit. I race her to the bathroom where she proceeds to lose her lunch (literally). I, thinking she just choked really bad on the water, don't really believe her when she keeps yelling "It's stuck in my throat!!" She is hysterical at this point. Still gagging too.
Me- "What is stuck?"
Kenna- "A piece of plastic is stuck in my throat!"
Me- "What???!!"
I grab a flashlight and look down her throat. Low and behold... something is stuck in her tonsil! I thought it might be a plastic shard. At least that is what it looked like. Dan thought I should try to take it out myself. Nothing doing. Kenna is screaming and freaking out and making me stress out. I tried to get down there but could barely see it myself. So I grab Ryleigh out her crib and off we go to the urgent care. Once there, I tell the receptionist, "my daughter has a piece of plastic stuck in her throat." A nurse comes rushing out and he shines a light down her throat. We rush into a room and four other people (doctor and nurses) come rushing in. The nurse grabs an instrument for the doctor that look like really long needlenose pliers. Now the doctor thinks it is plastic too so she says if she can't get it out, it means a trip to the ER because they don't want it to go further down her throat. Luckily, the doctor got it out on the first try. Kenna did beautifully when the doctor when in after it. It only took a second. And this is the culprit...

A piece of grass seed, the kind that sticks in your socks. How the heck it got into her straw we do not know. The pointy end was stuck in her tonsil. McKenna was totally fine after it was removed. But the drama! Sheesh! Dan's theory on how it got in her straw was that she was playing with it outside one day a long time ago and even though it was washed in the dishwasher, the seed stayed put in the straw. And when Kenna went to drink, it shot out like a dart and into her throat.
Talk about stress, but I have to say that that was the fastest I have ever been in and out of an urgent care facility. GO TEAM!