Yesterday, Dan, his brother and sister in law made up some water balloons for YM/YW night. The activity was postponed due to another activity going on this week, so fortunately for us, we got to throw them at each other. That was fun and the kids had a blast. Then, coincidentally, the sprinklers in the park behind our house turned on. Since we were already soaking wet, we sent the kids out to run through the sprinklers. Ryleigh was a little shocked when she first got hit by a big sprinkler. After a little while, she was running through them just like the rest of them.

Here's your pregnant belly shot of the week. Soon it will be gone :)

As you can see, they were soaking wet by the end of it. But they had fun!

This is the toad that Dan found on our front porch the other night. He captured it in a tupperware and brought it upstairs to show the girls. They had just gone down for the night but hadn't fallen asleep yet. I just start hearing screaming and crying in their room and go in to find Dan showing them the toad. He almost made it onto Ryleigh's bed, but luckily Dan caught him. We put him in the fish tank (Tiger our beta fish died only a few minutes before Dan found the toad). The toad did not seem too happy. Ryleigh kept saying "toad, a toad" over and over. I think she was a little traumatized. When Dan started taking off the lid of the fish tank, McKenna ran far away and started bawling. The girls in this family are just not that into toads. Dan released our toad friend later that night. Since the girls were all riled up, we decided to pick up my mom from the airport as a family. The girls weren't going back to bed anytime soon.

Ryleigh, after eating a pudding cup.

The girls dancing around after popping the lenses out of some kiddie sunglasses. They looked pretty cute in those glasses.

We are still anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby girl #3. She doesn't seem all that in a hurry like my other girls were. I am getting impatient. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (Friday) and am hoping for some progress since last time. It has been really nice to have my mom in town for a few weeks to occupy the girls. They love playing with their PoPo. I love not having to cook.