Kenna started first grade a month ago and has been loving it. She is reading at a third to fourth grade level and is making lots of new friends. One of her friends in her class is moving into our subdivision and our ward so she is very excited about that. She is a great helper at home and loves to play with Ryleigh. Too bad Kenna and Dan both came down with a cold this week so Violet is hands off to them. Ryleigh is doing well considering she took a tumble out of the Sequoia Sunday in the parking lot of the church. She sustained minor injuries and is healing nicely. Luckily it did not turn into an ER visit so it could have been worse. Ryleigh's big head makes her top heavy so she is constantly tripping over her own feet and bonking her head on the floor. She is talking more and more and is starting to say prayers at night. Whenever she gets to the end of the prayer, she skips straight to end and says "Mamen." It is really cute. Violet is growing heavier every day. I don't know how much she weighs but I can tell she is getting heavier. She doesn't do anything interesting yet, just the normal newborn stuff... eating, sleeping, crying, pooping, and more eating. We have gotten a few smiles out of her but haven't been able to catch any on camera. She is a good baby just like my other two. I have been truly blessed with my girls. Some days are harder than others but I think I am doing ok with three kids. The hardest part is fitting everyone into a shopping cart along with groceries and unloading everyone from the car. If that is the hardest part, I really shouldn't be complaining :) Here are a couple of pics of Ryleigh. Right now she is my most interesting kid to take pictures of.