When we moved to California, McKenna was pretty nervous about starting at a new school in the middle of the year. She is attending my old elementary school and is fortunate enough to have my fifth grade teacher as her second grade teacher. Every time I talk to McKenna's teacher she tells me that she loves McKenna and her enthusiasm for learning. McKenna has made a lot of new friends at school and recently went to a birthday party for quadruplets in her class. She has a set of quadruplets, triplets, and twins in her class. I think that is pretty out of the ordinary. I have been able to help out a lot at Kenna's school recently. The entire second grade makes stuffed animal bunnies for Easter and decorates them. It was fun to see how creative the kids are. They are having a bunny parade on Friday to show off their creations. McKenna received awards for outstanding citizenship and outstanding work habits for the second trimester. They give small tags that you can put on a chain. She is excited to start collecting them like her cousin.
McKenna is getting ready to be baptized in July. She loves going to Primary and learning about the gospel. When we read scriptures at night she always stops us to find out what is going on. I think part of that is because she wants to postpone going to bed, but I am glad that she is interested.
McKenna is very responsible and feeds her dog Thumper every morning and evening. McKenna is saving up for an annual pass to Disneyland this summer. She won't even buy a popsicle after school (fundraiser) because she says she is saving up to go to Disneyland. I am excited to be able to take her and show her all the fun and magical things about Disneyland. She is also going to be swimming with the neighborhood swim team this summer. She is very nervous about this but I hope she will learn some new skills and have fun. I gave McKenna her haircut and she wanted bangs because all the other girls in her family have bangs. She looks pretty darn cute!