I never thought I would be saying let it snow, but since it snows here in Boise and melts in an hour, I am fine with snow. We put up our Christmas tree the night that we drove home from Salt Lake City. I thought he would be tired from driving for 5 hours, but once he got started he couldn't stop. He moved furniture around and everything. We ended up buying the Target ornament set in burgundy and gold. Those are the colors that Dan picked out this year for our theme. I think the tree looks pretty awesome. We are actually looking forward to having Christmas here at home for a change.

Don't get me wrong...I love traveling for Christmas, but it is nice to stay home once in a while. Dan is going to try to get the lights on the house this weekend but that depends on his soccer injury from last week. It was great unpacking the Christmas boxes and finding that we had bought extra icicle lights on clearance last year. Dan was excited. McKenna loved helping put on ornaments all in the same spot. Dan had to move them around without her knowing. I am really hoping Thumper doesn't decide to eat the tree or an ornament. So far so good. He is learning. We had left some

watermelons out in the garden from the summer and he finally gnawed through one and was enjoying the juicy insides. I finally got around to disposing of them today. He was disappointed. Yesterday we bought a TV at Best Buy. For those of you who have been in our house, it is replacing our one and only 19inch TV. We should be able to pick it up Thursday (pic to come). I am excited. We won't know what to do with a bigger TV. The TV is Dan's and my present for Christmas, even though Dan says it is really for me. What can I

say... Dan spoils me.
I thought Kenna looked so cute in this outfit my mom bought her. I even did her hair in ringlets. I had to take a picture.