Yeah! Just wanted to announce that Dan has officially completed one of his architectural licensure exams. His first one out of nine tests. We find out in 4 to 6 weeks. Why it takes so long, I do not know. I knew within a week for pharmacy, but I guess the architectural program works at a slower pace. Dan took the test Saturday morning. It was a four hour test and he used every minute. By noon, I was on pins and needles. We anxiously await the results. I know he
did just fine. It's Dan and architecture! I had Kenna do some homework while we were waiting. She
loves to do rhyming, reading, and writing.
Just thought I'd include a pic of Thumper for all to see. I really like having the fence finished so he can run around the backyard and not be stuck in the kennel.

Congrats on finishing your first test. Troy will be taking his 5/10 this December.
Congrats to Dan. (I hope I can be a good dad to a daughter like Dan.)
Good luck Dan!
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