Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Doctor's appointment

I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and everything is going great. I gained 8 pounds in 4 weeks and grew 5 cm. Makes up for the 1 pound gain from last month. I start the every two weeks appointments next month. Not really looking forward to going to the doctor's so much but what can you do. With McKenna I never made it to the once a week appointments. Depends on how much this girl wants out. Dan has been busy with work. They asked him to work overtime again this week. Not my favorite thing but at least his office has lots of work. He has been busy at home too, buying book shelves and a mirror at Target to get the guest room ready for his mom and dad to come visit for Christmas. McKenna is excited to see Grandma Wendy and Grandpa David. Oh, and Laurel too or course. Ben is leaving on his mission to Washington DC tomorrow the 19th. We will miss you. On Sunday, we went to the Meldrums' for dinner and cookie baking. We made chocolate chip cookies and peanut butter bars. Adrianne received some peppermint marshmallow fluff from a friend and we tried to make brownies with it. Bad idea! the marshmallow cooked to rock hard and the brownie mix underneath remained gooey. Well, we thought we would try something. But the other cookies turned out well. I don't think I have ever baked so many goodies in one night. McKenna's new favorite Christmas song is The First Noel sung by Josh Groban and Faith Hill. She asked me today what the second noel was. It took me a second, but I thought it was funny. She also likes the Little Drummer Boy. She asks the strangest questions sometimes, but she is four. Sorry no pics today. Will definitely have some next week.


Will said...

The second noel, huh? That's a really good question. I'm not even sure I know what "Noel" means.

Rachel said...

She asked me that too and I have no idea.

Rachel said...

dictionary.com says noel means a Christmas carol or a shout of joy

Kristin said...

I love the questions that little kids ask. Ok well not the constenet "why" question, but the random other ones.

Those doctors apointments were so much hassle in the end. Once a week ugghhh! At least you have a little longer till them.

Anonymous said...

At least she hasn't asked how Adam and Eve brought children to earth. Our primary kids have asked us a couple of times and we just tell them to ask their mom or dad.

Penny said...

Glad to hear everything is going well with your pregnancy. Can't wait for the new niece.