We've been home for one week and I think everything is going pretty good so far. Ryleigh is a very good baby. She is just starting to stay awake a little during the day. The first night home, she stayed awake most of the night. I think she had her times mixed up. She hates getting her diaper changed and being cold. And she did not like her first bath, but she survived. My mom is here for three weeks and it makes things a lot easier. I don't know how I am going to get two kids and myself ready in the morning and out the door, when I have to work, when she leaves. I will have to deal with it. Ryleigh's first doctors appointment is tomorrow. I hope she gained weight. She eats like a pig. I have resorted to pumping and feeding her breast milk from a bottle cuz she sucks really hard and I was not having a good time with it (sore, cracked, bleeding, and painful). Now I am more relaxed and

can enjoy feeding my little girl. I have recovered nicely I think. I can sit down on the wood dining table chairs without a pillow now and have no problem moving around. McKenna is adjusting to a new baby in her own way. She does not act negatively toward Ryleigh at all, but has been trying to get a lot more attention from us. She runs around the house instead of walking and is constantly jumping or doing some kind of gymnastics stunt. I can't get her to settle down. She is just energetic about everything. My mom bought her some boots the other day. McKenna loves shoes. They were supposed to be snow boots since it has snowed here almost every day since Ryleigh was born, but Walmart didn't have any. So she ended up with dressy black ones that have no traction on them whatsoever. That's what happens when Dan takes my mom shopping without me. Oh well. At least they were only $3.
She is so cute! Congratulations and nice pictures.
Ryleigh is definitely one cute gal. Gotta love those cheeks. :)
Hey your baby is so cute! D you guys wanna move back to Utah?
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