Last Thursday Dan came home to find a message from the Stake President's secretary to meet with the Stake President that night if possible. I came home from work at Target Pharmacy at 7:30 and we raced over to the church. As always, when you are in a hurry, the kids don't cooperate. At least Ryleigh wasn't. She was crying from gas and upset. So we were a little frazzled when we showed up at the church. Well, Dan has a new calling as of last the suspense killing you yet? He is now the second counselor in the bishopric! We were both blown away and Dan just sat there shocked. I said "WOW!" We were not expecting something like this. So to sum up our weekend...Dan's parents and grandpa drove from Salt Lake on Saturday to be with us on Sunday. Dan's father ordained Dan as a High Priest and he is now the second counselor. We are still trying to adjust to the change in schedule. He will be gone more now and I am still scheduled to work one Sunday a month at Savon. I am trying to work that out to stop working that Sunday, but haven't heard anything back from work yet. So this Sunday coming up we have our neighbor watching the girls while Dan has his meetings. I hope everything works out in the end. I am sure it will somehow.
A little bit about what's going on with me at work. I work on an as needed basis at Target Pharmacy and just pick up shifts when i want some extra work. Well, the pharmacy manager quit and his last day was last Sunday. So now the pharmacy is without a regular pharmacist. They are still trying to find a replacement. So I have been working a lot of extra shifts. I am not the only as needed pharmacist working for Target, but we all have other jobs too. It has been a crazy week that is for sure. And I think Ryleigh is coming down with a cold (McKenna gave it to her) to top things off.
One good thing was that it was in the 70s last weekend. Our daffodils bloomed and the girls and I spent Saturday at a festival for a new urban development. McKenna had her face painted. Dan was busy taking test #5 out of 9. It was a 5-6 hour test. What a fun way to spend a Saturday. 

Whoa, that's crazy. Ya know 40 years from now they'll be saying "That D. 'something' Patton was called to the bishopric when he was less than 30.
Wow 2nd councler. That is crazy. You guys are still young :)
I hope you guys can find a way to work out your schedule. That calling takes up so much time.
Good luck with it all.
Not too sure if I should say congrats or condolencses....sorry you have to go to high priest group for the rest of your life now little brother, but I know you will do a great job and will be a counselor your bishop can rely on. Just clearly define your availability and all the scheduling will work out somehow or another.
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