Well, Kenna's first day of school has officially come and gone. She made it like a pro. Dan and I dropped her off and she almost forgot to give me a hug! Can you believe it! Her teacher was waiting at the drop off and took her into the playground area. I didn't even cry. When I went to pick her up, she had a cute visor on that they had made in class. She said at recess when the bell rang she couldn't find her classroom door so she asked a mom helping out on the playground where room 8 was. How grown up. She did say that she almost cried. Poor girl. She'll get the hang of it soon. They had graham crackers and milk, learned about letters and colors, read stories, and colored. What a hard life she has! Sounds like a lot of fun for the first day.

Isn't she beautiful?
Her name tag says she is a car rider. It helps the teacher know who goes on the bus and who gets picked up by mom or daycare. Pretty good system. She has to wear it to school for the rest of the week.

I love her backpack. It is not too huge, but fits folders in it. The character ones don't fit folders in them. I wanted one that she could use for a few years without getting sick of looking at Dora or Princesses.

Kenna has gotten to be a pretty decent colorer.

Your little girl is all grown up. Yay for kindergarten.
Yeah McKenna! Congratulations on starting kindergarten--what a big day! You looked so pretty today and looked all ready for school. Glad you had such a great first day!
I'll admit, I've always thought McKenna was mature for her years (probably the serious upbringing). She'll do wonderful.
Hooray Kindergarten! She so cute Rach!
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