Last Friday, after work, we took the girls to a day camp area not far from where we live. We had a camp fire, roasted hot dogs and marshmallows and had s'mores. There was a playground close by and Kenna loved it. We were close to the river, but didn't go swimming. The best part was we went home and slept in our own beds. We should camp like that more often.

Ryleigh always smiley!

She is exploring the feel of pine needles.

Please pick me up and get me out of this stroller!

Kenna helping to put out the fire.
Saturday we drove to Twin Falls to see the new temple open house. It was very pretty inside. It was a good experience for McKenna to see what is inside a temple. She liked the pictures, the murals, and the baptismal font. That is probably the most interesting stuff anyway, for a little kid.
Dan and I celebrated our 8 year anniversary on Monday! It is crazy to think that we have been married for 8 years already. It flew by. They have been 8 wonderful years and we have two beautiful girls to show from it. We went out to lunch and dinner as a family and went shopping. Not real exciting but I did preorder the Sleeping Beauty DVD that is coming out in October. We were going to to ice skating and show McKenna how, but she got in trouble that afternoon so we couldn't go. Here is the story of how McKenna lost her priviledge to go ice skating (which means we all lost the chance to go)...
I had planned to go to the mall that afternoon after lunch with the girls. I wanted to buy some books, church shoes for Kenna (her feet just don't stop growing), and some other things I can't remember. We arrived and went into the book store Borders. I checked the computer to find the books I wanted then McKenna said "I have to go to the bathroom." Nothing new, she always has to go when we go somewhere. We went into the bathroom (Ryleigh was in her stroller), and made it into the handicap stall. Kenna looked at the toilet and panicked. She absolutely HATES automatic flushing toilets. She is pretty much scared to death of them. We have tried to teach her tricks like flushing it before hand to reset the sensor and putting a finger over the sensor to not make the toilet flush while she is sitting on it. I think she thinks she will be flushed down the drain. So the first thing she does is remember to push the button to flush it before she gets on. Then she starts crying. I show her that nothing is wrong, by going myself. She is still crying. I know she has to go or she will pee her pants, so I try to tell her I will cover up the sensor. She won't have anything to do with it. I grab her arm to pull her closer to the toilet (wrong move by the way) and she starts screaming like a banshee. High pitched and everything! Like I was going to kill her. I am sure the lady next to me thought I had hit her. She was hysterical for about one minute but it always seems longer. I think the threat of leaving the store altogether made her wise up and jump on the toilet and go. All the while, Ryleigh is just watching us in her stroller, calm as can be thank goodness. This is the funny part... As we were leaving the bathroom, an older lady who saw us when she first entered the store when I was on the computer, was coming into the bathroom. Mckenna is sniffling by now. The lady says, "Your girls are so beautiful!" I mutter thanks with a half smile and we left the mall altogether. Later I thought, I should have said "Wanna keep this one?" I was pretty mad at Kenna. We talked all the way home about not screaming in the store and about toilets. So her consequence was not going ice skating. We were at the mall for 5 minutes and left. We went home and the girls had a nap. So Dan decided to take us to the mall that night so I could buy the things I wanted. He is so nice to me. I love my girls, but sometimes...

Looking at these pictures always makes me remember how blessed I am to have these two wonderful girls, even if they drive me insane sometimes.
Kenna - If it makes you feel any better, I hate automatic toilets too!!!!! Especially when they flush when you're not done.
Aunt Tracie
Hey that was me at Maceys today. Well not the toilet thing, but the screaming. Everyone staired at us as we walke in. Thank goodness my aunt was there to help defer Jason's attnetion.
When they're sleeping is always a good time to reflect how blessed we are :)
You don't have to worry. . . Tommy is scared of toilets too. Our toilet at home flooded once and we came up to find him screaming for help sitting on the edge of the tub while water was flowing onto the floor. Yeah. . .pretty funny. . but now he will cover his ears for the automatic flushers and for the manual flushers, he quickly hits it and runs away while covering his ears. . . .
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