Tracie and Troy have zuchini, we have roma tomatoes. Dan and McKenna picked a few on Saturday. It was my job to wash them and prepare them for... something. I think I am going to make spaghetti sauce out of my 30 pounds of tomatoes and freeze it. Dan loves spaghetti. Can you believe that this came from one tomato plant? It is now a huge bush! And there are still green ones on the plant. Maybe it is time to invest in a water bath canning machine. Salsa would be good. Yum!

If you pick and leave the stem on green tomatoes, they will turn red in a few days. Like I need anymore red ones right now. Dan heard somewhere that tomatoes will do that on their own. We didn't believe it until we tried it and it does work. Hope you learned something new today. Also, if you stick them in a paper bag, they will turn red faster. I will post the color change in a few days.
Slice up the green ones (into round circles) and coat them in a little cornmeal, salt and pepper...fry them up in a pan and Dan will love them--Fried Green Tomatoes
yum, so jealous of fresh tomatoes.
i think it's funny that the roma tomatoes that we grew don't look anything like the ones we get at the grocery store. hmmm....
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