McKenna is out of school for the summer so we have been finding activities to keep us busy and not bored. The girls made binoculars or opera glasses out of toilet paper rolls and chopsticks. A local bowling alley is allowing kids to bowl for free for the summer and give parents a discounted summer pass so we will be bowling this summer. Next week we will drive to CA to visit my mom and the girls will stay with PoPo while Dan and I go to Hawaii for our 10 year anniversary, which isn't until August but who cares! We will be gone for one week and the girls will enjoy the week at the pool and with cousins. Violet has been army crawling backwards and in circles so one of these days she will crawl forward, I hope. She has learned to clap and eat. She loves any food we feed her. She may turn into another Ryleigh (a cookie monster!). Ryleigh is doing great potty training. Stays dry all day and only occasionally wets the bed at night. She's a trooper. McKenna had an insect project due at the end of the school year. She chose Katydids. Did you know that Katydids can come in pink, too! Crazy!

That last picture was too cute. We're going to CA too so maybe we'll see y'all, maybe we won't. You won't care since you're going to HAWAII!!!!
Wish we could see you next week but at least we get to see the girls. Have fun in Hawaii. Can't wait to see pics.
we need to get together with all 6 of our girls this summer (multiple times)
Those three girls are growing up fast! I hope you two enjoy Hawaii! I miss you all!
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