Here's what you all have been anxiously waiting for. Ryleigh has arrived. She came on Wednesday, January 23 at 11:35pm. Happy Birthday to Grandma and Grandpa Patton! We hope you like your present. She barely made it on their birthday. Well here is the story of what went down that day... I was having contractions all that night before because the doctor stripped my membranes. By the way...Ouch! The contractions weren't very strong and about 6 minutes apart. So Wednesday at 6:50am, I looked cuz I was timing them, during a contraction my water broke. We got moving and took Kenna to Adrianne's house (thanks so much by the way) then went to the hospital. From about 8:30am to 3:30pm my contractions stayed 6 minutes apart and no change in intensity. So Pitocin was started. My mom arrived from the airport at about

3:00pm. The contractions got stronger and more frequent. The doctor came at 6:00pm and checked and I was still dilated to 3 cm only! I wanted to cry. At 8:00pm I finally gave in and got an epidural and some sleep. At 10pm I was at 5 cm. I told the nurse that with McKenna I dilated from 5 to 10 cm in about 45 minutes. So she checked me a half hour or so later and Wahoo!!! I was ready to go! The doctor showed up and I pushed for about half an hour and Dan got to help deliver her. He did awesome. He held her head after it came out and helped rotate it and guide out the rest of the body. He was so proud. We were trying so hard to have her on her grandparents' birthday. We barely made it. Now I have a daughter whose birthday is 711 and a daughter whose birthday is 123. Not bad for remembering dates. Ryleigh weighed in at 6 lbs 11 oz and measured 19 inches. She has chubby cheeks already! And a headfull of black, straight hair. She looks almost like

McKenna when she was born. We took her home today and we are doing well. I had no complications after the birth so YEAH! McKenna loves her new baby sister and was very excited to see her on Thursday at the hospital. She loves holding her and kissing her. Thanks again to the Meldrums for watching McKenna all day and letting her stay overnight. We owe you bigtime. Hope you all enjoy the pictures!
Congratulations! Audrey says, "I think Ryleigh is a good name, and I think McKenna will be a GREAT big sister!" Allyson says, "Congratulations, I think Ryleigh is really cute and I like her hair." Matthew says, "Is he a guyrl? (I say yes, she is) How come she's not awake? (I say because she is a little baby) I think she is good." Zachary smiled at the pictures and said "yeah yeah" which means "yeah! I am so happy to have a cute new baby cousin!"
Penny says "We are so excited for all of you, she is absolutely beautiful and I love the chubby cheeks and all the hair." David says, "Cute girl, congrats, glad everyone is doing well and we can't wait to meet her!"
Wahoo! Now you can bend over!
Cute newborn!
Love the cheeks and you weren't kidding with hair.
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