I am so behind. It has been a month since I posted pictures. Violet is getting more fun and smiley. Ryleigh is talking a lot more. Kenna is doing great in school, as always. She hasn't lost any more teeth but she thinks they are all wiggly now. It has been really cold here the past week, getting down to 1 degree F at night. We got a little snow, about one inch, Sunday night. We are just doing holiday shopping and the same old mundane stuff we do at home. I got summoned for jury duty right after Christmas so we will see how that goes. My parents are coming that week also. Hopefully it will be a little warmer than 15 degrees for them. We are planning on spending Christmas at home. It will be fun to start some of our own traditions with our growing family. We will miss everyone, especially my family in sunny California, where it will probably be in the 70s. Here are some fun pictures from the last month. Ryleigh really loves her grandpa David and bowling.
Bed head
Ryleigh stuffing triominos down her shirt...
Kenna and Ryleigh fighting to see who can sit on the Lego box.
Violet crashed on the corner of the couch. She is so sweet!
We made turkeys to pluck because we can't wait for Thanksgiving. This year we will be going to Reno to visit Dan's sister and her family who are back from Switzerland. We are excited for the little vacation and hope for good weather for the drive there and back. Kenna lost her first tooth today! She may lose another one soon too. The adult teeth are already starting to break through. She was a little nervous but pulled it out herself. My little girl is not so little anymore. Neither is my other little girl. Ryleigh was groovin' to Hannah Montana on McKenna's MP3 player tonight. She loves to dance and shake her hips. It is so cute.
We went with a pirate theme in our driveway for Halloween night. I had to work until 7pm so Dan did all the work. He made everything with McKenna's help and set it up by the time I got home. He even made our traditional doughnuts for the trick-o-treaters and the parents. It got a little crazy at times but Dan pulled it off. I was given the easy task of taking the girls trick-or-treating. About 1/3 of the way through, Ryleigh started saying "trick-or-treat!" and holding out her pumpkin. I thought for sure she was going to eat all the candy before we were done, but she was really good and waited until the end. She wouldn't let go of her pumpkin though. I tried to get her out of her stroller and reached for the pumpkin to make it easier, and Ryleigh pulled it away from me and swatted my hand. I thought it was so funny. She was not giving it to me at all. The pumpkin carvings reflect what the girls were for Halloween. Kenna was a witch, Ryleigh was a unicorn, and Violet was a pumpkin. Dan and his artistic talent carved Davy Jones in two hours just by looking at a picture. We love Halloween and hope to be able to carry on the tradition of making doughnuts every year. Our neighbors love us for it! :)
Kenna started first grade a month ago and has been loving it. She is reading at a third to fourth grade level and is making lots of new friends. One of her friends in her class is moving into our subdivision and our ward so she is very excited about that. She is a great helper at home and loves to play with Ryleigh. Too bad Kenna and Dan both came down with a cold this week so Violet is hands off to them. Ryleigh is doing well considering she took a tumble out of the Sequoia Sunday in the parking lot of the church. She sustained minor injuries and is healing nicely. Luckily it did not turn into an ER visit so it could have been worse. Ryleigh's big head makes her top heavy so she is constantly tripping over her own feet and bonking her head on the floor. She is talking more and more and is starting to say prayers at night. Whenever she gets to the end of the prayer, she skips straight to end and says "Mamen." It is really cute. Violet is growing heavier every day. I don't know how much she weighs but I can tell she is getting heavier. She doesn't do anything interesting yet, just the normal newborn stuff... eating, sleeping, crying, pooping, and more eating. We have gotten a few smiles out of her but haven't been able to catch any on camera. She is a good baby just like my other two. I have been truly blessed with my girls. Some days are harder than others but I think I am doing ok with three kids. The hardest part is fitting everyone into a shopping cart along with groceries and unloading everyone from the car. If that is the hardest part, I really shouldn't be complaining :) Here are a couple of pics of Ryleigh. Right now she is my most interesting kid to take pictures of.
We had Violet's baby blessing over Labor Day weekend. She was wearing Ryleigh's baby blessing dress which was a 3-6 month size. It was huge on her, but the dress is so foofy that you couldn't tell too much. Dan's parents, brother and sister-in-law, sister, and grandfather came from SLC. McKenna and Ryleigh love it when they come to visit. It took Ryleigh a little while to warm up cuz she had just woken up from a nap. She kept giving her classic glares, but in the end she was playing with everyone. Saturday night we went to dinner at Sa-wa-dee (Thai food). Sunday morning was the blessing and then we had lunch and everyone went home by 4pm. It was a short trip but it was nice to see everyone. I am happy to report that Ryleigh is starting to warm up to Violet. She kisses her and tries to hug her. It is a step up from hitting her and trying to pull her out of my arms. Violet had her 10 day appointment last Friday. She is back up to her birth weight and doing very well. We have had our fair share of blowouts already. It is a pain to have to change two kids' diapers. My mom goes home tomorrow. I am not sure how I am going to handle three girls by myself but I will manage. McKenna is a great helper, but will be in school most of the day. Ryleigh's new thing is to sit inside the new cabinets Dan has made and shut the door. She is so funny sometimes.
Went in for my scheduled induction Tuesday at 7am. Had my epidural at 10am and pushed Violet out in less than 10 minutes (3 contractions). She was born at 2:42pm, weighed in at 7 lbs 4 oz and is 20 inches long. She looks very similar to Ryleigh when she was born. I am proud to announce that Violet is the biggest baby that the Wongs have had. Even between my brothers and I. She pooped in the womb, so the doctor, to keep her from inhaling meconium into her lungs, held her by her ankles upside down for the first minute of her life. We didn't get a picture, but she looked similar to a chicken being held by its feet. After the meconium was sucked out of her, she has been a perfectly healthy baby. We returned home today and are doing great! Here are some pics of the birth day of Violet Ching-Mei (Peaceful Beauty) Patton.