We went with a pirate theme in our driveway for Halloween night. I had to work until 7pm so Dan did all the work. He made everything with McKenna's help and set it up by the time I got home. He even made our traditional doughnuts for the trick-o-treaters and the parents. It got a little crazy at times but Dan pulled it off. I was given the easy task of taking the girls trick-or-treating. About 1/3 of the way through, Ryleigh started saying "trick-or-treat!" and holding out her pumpkin. I thought for sure she was going to eat all the candy before we were done, but she was really good and waited until the end. She wouldn't let go of her pumpkin though. I tried to get her out of her stroller and reached for the pumpkin to make it easier, and Ryleigh pulled it away from me and swatted my hand. I thought it was so funny. She was not giving it to me at all. The pumpkin carvings reflect what the girls were for Halloween. Kenna was a witch, Ryleigh was a unicorn, and Violet was a pumpkin. Dan and his artistic talent carved Davy Jones in two hours just by looking at a picture. We love Halloween and hope to be able to carry on the tradition of making doughnuts every year. Our neighbors love us for it! :)
Those are some pretty amazing pumpkins and the scene in the driveway was great! I am wishing I were there to have some of those Halloween donuts!
Great pumpkins! Dan and Jed should have a competition in the pumkin carving department :)
Great job on the pumpkins. We had to wait until halloween to carve ours and they were a bit soggy.
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