We made turkeys to pluck because we can't wait for Thanksgiving. This year we will be going to Reno to visit Dan's sister and her family who are back from Switzerland. We are excited for the little vacation and hope for good weather for the drive there and back. Kenna lost her first tooth today! She may lose another one soon too. The adult teeth are already starting to break through. She was a little nervous but pulled it out herself. My little girl is not so little anymore. Neither is my other little girl. Ryleigh was groovin' to Hannah Montana on McKenna's MP3 player tonight. She loves to dance and shake her hips. It is so cute.

Those are some killer dance moves. I don't see the boys a comin' any time soon . . . (they'd probably catch an elbow)
I am counting down the days too! I am so excited to see you all!
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