We had a pretty mellow New Year's Eve. Dan had to work and came home with an upset stomach. We put the girls to bed around 10pm and went to bed ourselves shortly after. We were going to open up a bottle of martinelli's to celebrate, but decided to wait until New Year's Day. So we were bummers, but it was nice to have Dan home New Year's Day to relax a little. I have a little video of Ryleigh walking pushing a walker but I turned it sideways to get a better view of her so the video is sideways. Duh! I will take another with her walking. She is no where near walking on her own. McKenna is getting really good at putting together puzzles. This one is 100 pieces and she did it all by herself.
Kenna put a funny bow on Ryleigh's hair and wanted a picture of it. The video was taken at Kangaroo Zoo. Ryleigh didn't know what to think of the slide. Thanks to Laurel for getting us in for free! The tiger was part of the glow in the dark mini golf at Kangaroo Zoo. Ryleigh liked sitting on him. Kenna was off somewhere playing golf with her cousin Spencer.

I think the noise and the colors had her so shell-shocked that if you asked her, she'd say "Slide? What slide?"
Wow! We'll have to start getting McKenna some puzzles. She's good!
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