I am now teaching half of the 5-6 year olds (CTR 6). Kenna is in my class along with two other girls and two boys. I think this year is going to be a piece of cake. Chocolate cake! Last Sunday was a breeze compared to my CTR7 class last year. Don't get me wrong... I love those kids but they were a handful. And my new kids like to color which is a blessing. My last class did not like coloring or participating. I started a new thing with my class. They earn stickers each week for doing specific things and at the end of the month we have a treasure box they can pick something out of if they earn enough stickers. The first week went well. They had to walk quietly to class, raise their hands to speak (worked most of the time), and listen to the teacher. Nothing too complicated. We shall see if it works.
Dan is still plugging away in the bishopric. We start church at 9am this year so i get to see him more on Sunday. It was really nice last week.
Patton Family Pictures 2021
2 years ago
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