McKenna started dance class once a week and is having a great time learning ballet, tap, and jazz. She is doing excellent in school, reading at a fifth grade level and loves recess and lunch. She has learned to jump rope and is a great help at home. McKenna loves to play with friends after school.
Ryleigh is learning so many new phrases and songs. She hides under the table and says "be right back." She likes things done just the right way and is my tough girl. She tries to do everything McKenna does. We had one incident at her two year appointment. She had an abscess on her stomach and had to have it cut open to drain the infection and she did really well. After it was all over we put her shirt and coat on and she was out the door. She is doing much better and on two antibiotics. We have put potty training on hold because the side effects of the antibiotics, but I have found a method to potty train in three days and will try it out as soon as possible. Here she is drinking melted ice cream from her bowl.
Violet has been growing and growing. She had her 6 month appointment last week. How time flies. She weighs about 13 pounds and is short with a big head. Both she and Ryleigh measured in the 97th percentile in head size. She had her first taste of rice cereal this morning and she is still not sure what to think. She is starting to sit up almost on her own and loves to play with toys. She is so happy and content unless she is hungry. She is such a sweet girl!
Okay - you have to share the potty training in three days secret :) because Dash is so so so not interested. Your daughters are adorable. Way to go McKenna! Reading at a 5th grade level. Very impressive.
I take it back, I do wish you guys lived closer. Ryleigh and Brooke have soo much fun. Hopefully we'll be able to see each other again sometime this year.
Cute cute kids! We miss you guys!!
What a cute gaggle of girls you have.
I have the cutest nieces in the whole world!
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