Actually we went to Disneyland! Our spring break California trip went really well. We left Friday afternoon and drove to SLC and stayed overnight at Grandpa David and Grandma Wendy's house. The girls love their Grandma and Papa. Saturday morning we left to drive to So. Cal to visit Popo and the Aus and Wongs. The drive was uneventful (which is a good thing) and we arrived in Ontario to visit with cousins and aunts and uncle from the Au side. The girls had a blast getting reacquainted with cousins and it was so much fun seeing how big all the little ones have gotten. Sunday we visited my mom's Chinese branch and listened to three hours of church in Mandarin. McKenna and Ryleigh were able to go to the other ward's primary and nursery so they enjoyed the last two hours of church. It was an interesting experience and everyone was so nice. I was asked to give the closing prayer in Sunday School and I said "but I don't speak Chinese!" They didn't care and I gave it in English, thank goodness! Sunday night we had a Wong gathering and family pictures. Monday was a day of rest and letting the girls catch up on some sleep. They woke up early anyway but it was nice to relax and not have to go anywhere. The weather was in the 80s so we went swimming and Ryleigh loves swimming! She kept getting out to dry off and warm up and then would head back in even if no one else was in the water. She is my water baby. Tuesday Dan and I took McKenna and Ryleigh to Disneyland. We had a blast and ate and ate and ate. Ryleigh had to learn the concept of waiting in lines to go on rides. She wanted instant gratification. One time we reached the front of the line and the worker closed the gate on us before we could get on. Boy was she mad! I thought it was going to be a long few minutes to wait for the next turn, but luckily there ended up being one spaceship left and we were able to go on. Whew! We rode the carousel four times and McKenna and Dan or I rode Thunder Railroad twice and Space Mountain. Thanks goodness for fastpass. Ray and Catherine joined us in the evening to ride the train and Winne the Pooh and have dinner. It was nice of them to take time from their busy schedule to come play with us! Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday we ate and ate more! I am pretty sure I gained five pounds on this trip. GongGong came home Friday to see us and then went with my mom to China on Saturday. We drove back to SLC on Saturday and home on Sunday. Dan and I were even able to squeeze in a trip to the Conference Center for the afternoon session of Sunday Conference. Seeing the prophet is amazing! What a trip! I need a vacation from my vacation!
1 comment:
So jealous!!!! What a fun trip. Maybe one day we'll be able to synchronize our trip to CA and actually see each other.
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