Well, here it is... Dan's first post on the blog. I have had many requests to post something so that Rachel was not the only one to talk about our lives here on the blog. So here goes....
Indy and the classic brown hat are back. Rachel and I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie the other night. I was very excited to see the next movie in one of my favorite movie series. The movie was good, but very different from the first three. It was almost like Spielberg forgot why he made the first movies in the last 14 years. It was almost like he did it so that he could make some more money. (like he needs it) The movie actually reminded me of Star Wars... Well it was almost filmed in the same style as the new episodes were. Also not as historically fact oriented as the other movies either. He depended on computer animation too much. It was enjoyable and very entertaining though. Definitely better than that other movie that came out this weekend about some girls that live in New York City and that worry too much about how they look and can't commit to a relationship unless the men are OK with them seeing other men. I would much rather see Indy three or four times before I had to be dragged to see that one... I guess that it was a smash hit among extremely fashionable women, that can relate to these New Yorker girls. It is too bad that that is the way are culture is going these days. Sometimes I wish that we could all go back to the 1940's like Indiana and fight the Fascists instead of fighting the Fashion-ists of today.
It was nice to go out to the movies with Rachel though. Rachel's Mom is visiting, so she was able to watch the girls while we went out. We did take her to a pretty good Chinese restaurant before the movie, so she was very happy to have a full stomach and happy to be with her grand kids.
Hey! Nice to see Dan contributing to the blog as well! Now you have a reason to wear your Indiana Jones hat again! We haven't seen the movie yet, but it sounds like a fun date movie even if it isn't as good as the first 1&3 (2 was pretty lame even for back then)...
Wow a Dan post. I never saw it coming.
I hear that about the Indy movie a lot from people. They all say entertaining, but not at all like the first ones. I think it is a renter for me.
Welcome to the blogging world Dan. It's not so bad . . .
Great first post, Dan. Keep it up. It's always good to hear from the man in the family.
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