I found this old baby picture of me. Hmmmm... I wonder where Ryleigh gets her looks from. She is way chubbier than I ever was, but you can see who my girls get their chubby cheeks from.

Our garden is coming along nicely. Thank goodness it has been getting hotter so my vegetables didn't die.
The big bush in the front is our one roma tomato plant that we inherited from our neighbor. She said they didn't have room to plant it and it was the saddest looking one out of the bunch. I think it is doing fine. We may even have to prune it. The flowers sticking out behind it are from the mustard we planted. Next to the tomato plant are lettuce and carrots.

Here we have our green onions and yellow onions. The green are in front and doing better than the yellow. Then we have two rows of corn.
I love planting corn. It is easy and grows tall really fast.

This is our pumpkin plant. McKenna started it from one of those kid's kits that you get at Lowe's or Home Depot. It came with a peat moss pot and 3 pumpkin seeds and the expanding dirt pellet. I recommend this for kids because it grows so fast and she loves watching it grow. When we started it indoors, McKenna was always saying "Mine's bigger than your plants." When it got too big for its pot, Dan planted it outside. It wasn't doing so well, but once the sun and heat decided to stay it is growing like crazy. Can't wait for Halloween!
Mustard? Who plants mustard? What the heck do you do with a mustard plant?
It was Dan's idea. He said it is good for the soil. I am not sure what we are going to do with it. But it grew really big.
I totally agree with Kristin. Mustard?!?!?!?! As for you garden, I'm so jealous. Our's doesn't even come close to what you have. Maybe next year, I'll be good and start them indoors so we actually have something to plant in the dirt when June hits.
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