I don't know where McKenna got this idea. Really... She drew a picture of a mom with 6 kids. Then she told me that it is Aunt Tracie with 6 kids. If you look closely there are 5 girls and 1 boy. Sorry Tracie... I hope this doesn't freak you out too much. Mckenna even wrote on picture "Tracie with 6 kids." I had nothing to do with this. Honest.

I tried to feed Ryleigh a little rice cereal the other day. She got the idea of the spoon in her mouth pretty quick but she is still figuring out how to swallow the cereal. I have only tried it a couple of times. She did seem interested which is a good sign. I am tempted to add some baby food to it to give it some taste but I guess I will try it bland first.

Hmmmm, Tracie's hair really is looking more and more like Troy's.
I don't know what's worse...having 6 kids or 5 girls and 1 boy. Hopefully this is not a sneak peak into the future. It's a great picture though. Thanks Kenna.
Couple of observations. 1) There are 2 bigger kids, and then the 4 smallest are all the same size. Quadruplets? 2) One has red hair. Not sure about that ever happening!
McKenna and Ryleigh are so cute together! I love Ryleigh's hair and McKenna's singing, Audrey used to (and still does :) the same thing--singing everywhere she goes, so fun!
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