Monday, January 26, 2009

What a Noggin!

Ryleigh had her one year old doctor's appointment today. She weighs 18 lbs 5 oz (10th%), measures 27 inches long (4th%) and her head circumference is in the 97th%. What a huge brain she must have! She definitely inherited the Patton head from her daddy. The doctor is not worried though. She is developing great and can now eat almost anything she wants. The shots only made her cry for a couple of seconds. She had her blankie and calmed down pretty quick. She did great.

Happy Chinese New Year!!! We wish we could be with my family in California enjoying the nice weather. It is in the upper 20s here. Too cold, if you ask me.


tracie said...

It's currently 9 here if that makes you feel better. Hopefully when we go to CA next month we'll be able to bring the sunshine and warmth back with us for when you guys come.

John said...

What a cutie!!!Sorry but those Patton heads are too much fun! Love ya Mandi