Monday, March 31, 2008


Our daffodils

Our tulips

Our boxwoods (Dan planted those a couple of weeks ago)

I love when all the flowers are coming out. In the next month I hope we will see the flowers on the bulbs that we planted last November. I am excited for all the colors. Last year our front yard was pretty pathetic. Pretty much just green.

The girls had a fun Easter. McKenna didn't have to hunt for her basket. The Easter Bunny left it right by her bed. When she woke up she saw it and came running into our room. She was shouting "the Easter Bunny came!" The girls each got a new Easter dress. I think they look so cute!

Friday, March 21, 2008


McKenna put this headband on Ryleigh. I thought it looked hilarious. Back in the 80s again! Ryleigh decided to do some exercise. 1-2-1-2. Maybe Dan will have time to make the pictures move really fast and make it look like her arms are exercising. HaHa!

Ryleigh hates tummy time!

She didn't like sitting up for too long either!

Now, she doesn't cry all the time. Just when I put her down and she wants to be held. She loves to be cuddled and held. I need to put her down more, I admit, but she is so cute it is hard to resist.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Kindergarten Shots...OUCH!!!

Kenna was shot four times today...2 in each arm. She didn't cry for the first two. She only said "Ouch!" But then I think realization kicked in or the pain did. She started crying right after the second one and all through the last two. She only screamed once. But she held still and took the pain without flinching. Too bad I took the bandaids off before taking a picture. She had multicolored and BugsBunny bandaids on both arms. It was pretty cool looking. She got two stickers at the clinic and a handful of chocolate chips at home. Ryleigh gets her two month old shots in a couple of weeks. I hope I remember to take a picture of all the bandaids then.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Ryleigh's blessing

My mom, Dan's mom and dad, Laurel, Matt and Cami, and Dan's grandfather arrived Saturday for Ryleigh's baby blessing. McKenna and Dan went to Matt and Cami's hotel to go swimming in the indoor pool. McKenna was so excited to go. We all went to Golden Coral for dinner. The food was okay. The dessert was better. After getting stuffed, they all came back to our house and played "Bang." The Outlaws won. I was an Outlaw and accidentally killed my two buddies, but ended up killing the Sheriff (Laurel) in the end, anyway. McKenna even tried to play. Sunday we had lunch at our house which was sandwiches, appetizers, veggies and dip, and malt balls. We had blackberry pie after church. The blessing went very well. I had a dream that Dan blessed her and was showing her to the congregation and then dropped her. Luckily that did not happened in real life. Ryleigh was very good during the blessing and even gave a little grunt at the end of it. She had to put her two cents in too. My mom is staying for another week. Everyone else started the 5 hour drive back to Salt Lake after sacrament meeting. It was a busy weekend but lots of fun. McKenna loves having visitors. Ryleigh doesn't care about visitors too much yet. She only cares about food.

She stills likes to go crossed-eyed every now and then.